The pre-existing condition scare tactics continue. I testified yesterday—as the sole witness called by the Republican minority—during a House Education and Labor Committee hearing on “Examining Threats to Workers with Preexisting Conditions.” It was the first hearing of the new Congress under the new Chairman Bobby Scott, D-VA, and virtually all members on both sides of the … [Read more...] about Preview Of The Coming Medicare For All Debate
Health Insurance
Increasing Access to Health Insurance for Working Families
Most of the real action on health reform is likely to happen in the regulatory space over the next two years, and the Trump administration can build on the opportunities it already has created with a regulatory fix that would increase access to health insurance for working families. We submitted a comment letter on Friday recommending a change to the administration’s proposed … [Read more...] about Increasing Access to Health Insurance for Working Families
Replacing Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance with Government-Financed Coverage: Considerations for Policymakers
In an important paper the Galen Institute is releasing today, Senior Fellow Doug Badger examines the role that employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI) plays in the larger U.S. health sector and offers considerations for policymakers contemplating replacing ESI with government-financed coverage. In “Replacing Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance with Government-Financed … [Read more...] about Replacing Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance with Government-Financed Coverage: Considerations for Policymakers
Congress Can Slash the Cost of Health Care Premiums by as Much as a Third. Here’s How.
By Doug Badger — A proposal to repeal Obamacare entitlements and replace them with grants to states would reduce premiums for individual coverage by as much as 32 percent, according to an analysis by the Center for Health and Economy. The Health Care Choices Proposal also would modestly reduce the deficit, increase the number of people with private health insurance and cut Medicaid spending, … [Read more...] about Congress Can Slash the Cost of Health Care Premiums by as Much as a Third. Here’s How.
Real Solutions, Not Empty Promises
by Grace-Marie Turner — Yes, people with pre-existing conditions should be protected. That is a hot issue on the campaign trail as Democrats hammer their Republican opponents over the threat that repealing Obamacare could mean citizens would lose pre-ex protections. But, like so many other things with Obamacare, the health overhaul law offers a promise but produces collateral damage in … [Read more...] about Real Solutions, Not Empty Promises
The Facts About the Individual Mandate Repeal and the Increase in Premiums
by Doug Badger — It turns out sabotage might be overrated. A new study by the Center for American Progress argues Congress’s repeal of the individual mandate and a proposed Trump administration rule that would expand the sale and renewal of short-term policies will have a devastating effect on 2019 premiums. These acts of “sabotage” mean 40-year-old non-smokers will pay an average of … [Read more...] about The Facts About the Individual Mandate Repeal and the Increase in Premiums
Answering Criticisms of the Conservative Health Care Consensus Plan
The Center for American Progress recently released a study criticizing a Health Policy Consensus Group proposal to reduce premiums and increase choices for the millions of families and small businesses who are forced to choose between remaining uninsured or buying expensive Obamacare policies.The proposal, dubbed the Health Care Choices Proposal, would replace Obamacare individual entitlements … [Read more...] about Answering Criticisms of the Conservative Health Care Consensus Plan
Health Care Choices Proposal
A genuine federalist approach to health reform that moves power and control of our health sector away from Washington, through the states, and ultimately to consumers. … [Read more...] about Health Care Choices Proposal