Download the full paperHealth reform in the Bay State has increased demand without increasing the supply of health care providers, it continues to keep people in the dark about the true cost of health care and health insurance, and has not changed incentives for people to seek more affordable options or for a truly competitive marketplace. Washington’s health overhaul law has the same … [Read more...] about New Paper: Massachusetts Shows Federal Reform Headed For Trouble
New Paper: Massachusetts Shows Federal Reform Headed For Trouble
Download the full paperHealth reform in the Bay State has increased demand without increasing the supply of health care providers, it continues to keep people in the dark about the true cost of health care and health insurance, and has not changed incentives for people to seek more affordable options or for a truly competitive marketplace. Washington’s health overhaul law has the same … [Read more...] about New Paper: Massachusetts Shows Federal Reform Headed For Trouble
Massachusetts Warning Signs
We continue to study Massachusetts' health overhaul experiment as a harbinger of ObamaCare. And we continue to see serious problems ahead. President Obama told MSNBC's Chuck Todd in an interview last week that his new health reform law "not only makes sure everybody has access to coverage but is reducing costs." The quote was evocative of then-Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's promise in 2006 … [Read more...] about Massachusetts Warning Signs
Massachusetts Shows Federal Reform Headed For Trouble
If Massachusetts is a harbinger – and all evidence indicates it is – the new federal health overhaul legislation is headed for serious trouble. Massachusetts and the federal government built their reform efforts using similar architectural plans – strict regulation of health insurance, mandates on individuals and businesses, expensive new taxpayer-funded subsidies and a major expansion of Medicaid … [Read more...] about Massachusetts Shows Federal Reform Headed For Trouble
Massachusetts Shows Federal Reform Headed For Trouble
If Massachusetts is a harbinger – and all evidence indicates it is – the new federal health overhaul legislation is headed for serious trouble. Massachusetts and the federal government built their reform efforts using similar architectural plans – strict regulation of health insurance, mandates on individuals and businesses, expensive new taxpayer-funded subsidies and a major expansion of Medicaid … [Read more...] about Massachusetts Shows Federal Reform Headed For Trouble
This Will Not Stand
A key reason that many conservative Democrats were convinced to vote for the health overhaul legislation in March was because the president and other leaders said it would reduce the deficit and put us on a path to long-term entitlement reform. But any number of independent studies have proven that promise to be false, and nowhere is the case made more forcefully and accurately than in a new … [Read more...] about This Will Not Stand
Doctors Will Flee Medicare's Low Payments, Onerous Rules
The exodus of doctors from Medicare and likely from private practice altogether - is accelerating.The signs are undeniable: A 2008 poll by an independent Medicare commission found that 28 percent of seniors had trouble finding a primary care doctor, up from 24 percent the year before.In Texas, only 38 percent of primary-care doctors will take new Medicare patients. The Mayo Clinic is opting out of … [Read more...] about Doctors Will Flee Medicare's Low Payments, Onerous Rules
Doctors Will Flee Medicare’s Low Payments, Onerous Rules
The exodus of doctors from Medicare and likely from private practice altogether - is accelerating.The signs are undeniable: A 2008 poll by an independent Medicare commission found that 28 percent of seniors had trouble finding a primary care doctor, up from 24 percent the year before.In Texas, only 38 percent of primary-care doctors will take new Medicare patients. The Mayo Clinic is opting out of … [Read more...] about Doctors Will Flee Medicare’s Low Payments, Onerous Rules