If the government's current spending rate continues, "growing budget deficits will cause debt to rise to unsupportable levels," the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) concluded in a recent report to Congress.It's not a surprising conclusion. Last year, the CBO forecast that total spending on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid alone would reach 11.4% of GDP within a decade — nearly triple what … [Read more...] about Think Health Reform Will Cut Costs? Think Again
Think Health Reform Will Cut Costs? Think Again
If the government's current spending rate continues, "growing budget deficits will cause debt to rise to unsupportable levels," the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) concluded in a recent report to Congress.It's not a surprising conclusion. Last year, the CBO forecast that total spending on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid alone would reach 11.4% of GDP within a decade — nearly triple what … [Read more...] about Think Health Reform Will Cut Costs? Think Again
Two Strikes Against ObamaCare
ObamaCare is taking on water. With the court decision in Virginia on Monday and the election results in Missouri on Tuesday, the states and the American people are fighting back against this hugely unpopular and intrusive health overhaul law. The Court Decision Virginia passed the Health Care Freedom Act early this year to protect its citizens from being forced to purchase health insurance or … [Read more...] about Two Strikes Against ObamaCare
Obamacare and ‘Reeducation’
The White House and its allies continue their reeducation campaign about Obamacare, trying to convince people they should like this massive health-care overhaul after all, and it appears that their latest tool is deceptively worded opinion polls.The National Council on Aging, for example, just released a survey that’s astonishingly misrepresentative. The NCOA asked 636 seniors … [Read more...] about Obamacare and ‘Reeducation’
Obamacare and ‘Reeducation’
The White House and its allies continue their reeducation campaign about Obamacare, trying to convince people they should like this massive health-care overhaul after all, and it appears that their latest tool is deceptively worded opinion polls.The National Council on Aging, for example, just released a survey that’s astonishingly misrepresentative. The NCOA asked 636 seniors … [Read more...] about Obamacare and ‘Reeducation’
More Re-education
The National Council on Aging got a lot of media attention this week for a survey that was astonishing in its misrepresentation of the facts. The NCOA asked 636 seniors true or false questions about "the top twelve facts" they should know about ObamaCare. Only 17% knew the "right" answers to half of the questions and not a single person got a perfect score. The news release read: "Most Seniors … [Read more...] about More Re-education
Britain Moves toward Doctor-Patient Control
Britain’s new coalition government is proposing a major transformation of its socialized health-care system to give doctors much more authority over decisions involving their patients’ care. This most entrenched of government-run health systems is recognizing the importance of the doctor-patient relationship just as the United States is taking a sharp left turn toward more centralized government … [Read more...] about Britain Moves toward Doctor-Patient Control
Britain Moves toward Doctor-Patient Control
Britain’s new coalition government is proposing a major transformation of its socialized health-care system to give doctors much more authority over decisions involving their patients’ care. This most entrenched of government-run health systems is recognizing the importance of the doctor-patient relationship just as the United States is taking a sharp left turn toward more centralized … [Read more...] about Britain Moves toward Doctor-Patient Control