“Health care reform is entitlement reform.”So said Peter Orszag, President Barack Obama’s first budget director, at a bipartisan fiscal responsibility summit called by the president in February 2009. President Obama had assumed office just a little over a month earlier, and he was signaling to the country and to those present at the White House that his top domestic priority during his first year … [Read more...] about Why the Obama Health Plan Is Not Entitlement Reform
Providing Coverage For All Through Private Health Insurance
The United States is unique in the developed world in that the majority of Americans have private health insurance that they receive through the workplace. This is not the result of a deliberate decision but rather policy that evolved as the unintended consequence of a World War II ruling. Factory owners were competing to lure and keep good workers and wanted to offer health insurance as a … [Read more...] about Providing Coverage For All Through Private Health Insurance
Providing Coverage For All Through Private Health Insurance
The United States is unique in the developed world in that the majority of Americans have private health insurance that they receive through the workplace. This is not the result of a deliberate decision but rather policy that evolved as the unintended consequence of a World War II ruling. Factory owners were competing to lure and keep good workers and wanted to offer health insurance as a … [Read more...] about Providing Coverage For All Through Private Health Insurance
ObamaCare Puts Government Run Monopoly on Fast Track
Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi raised millions of eyebrows in early March when she told reporters, we have to pass the health reform bill "so that you can find out what is in it." It goes without saying that few, if any, of the federal lawmakers who voted to pass the legislation had any idea of what was lurking in its 2,801 pages. Nevertheless, Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, … [Read more...] about ObamaCare Puts Government Run Monopoly on Fast Track
ObamaCare Puts Government Run Monopoly on Fast Track
Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi raised millions of eyebrows in early March when she told reporters, we have to pass the health reform bill "so that you can find out what is in it." It goes without saying that few, if any, of the federal lawmakers who voted to pass the legislation had any idea of what was lurking in its 2,801 pages. Nevertheless, Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry … [Read more...] about ObamaCare Puts Government Run Monopoly on Fast Track
Putting the Brakes on ObamaCare
If Republicans take control of one or both houses of Congress this fall, many will have been elected with a promise to "repeal and replace" ObamaCare. But what are their options, really? There likely will be an initial showdown, but President Obama will surely veto any challenge to the law, and it would be hard to imagine mustering the votes to overturn it. Information is the key weapon. … [Read more...] about Putting the Brakes on ObamaCare
Putting the Brakes on ObamaCare
If Republicans take control of one or both houses of Congress this fall, many will have been elected with a promise to "repeal and replace" ObamaCare. But what are their options, really? There likely will be an initial showdown, but President Obama will surely veto any challenge to the law, and it would be hard to imagine mustering the votes to overturn it. Information is the key weapon. … [Read more...] about Putting the Brakes on ObamaCare
ObamaCare Has Failed
The wheels are coming off ObamaCare even sooner than most had predicted. The American people are not being fooled by the sugar-coated sales campaign, jobs are being lost, health costs are rising, and the first program to be launched is a dud.A new CNN poll shows that fifty-six percent of the American people oppose the health overhaul law, with only 40 percent supporting it – virtually unchanged … [Read more...] about ObamaCare Has Failed