- Lost health insurance: As many as 20 million people could lose the health insurance they get at work as a result of ObamaCare, according to the CBO. McKinsey and Company says as many as 80 million people could lose the health coverage they have now.
- Loss of control: One of the things that women want most is more control over decisions involving health care for their families. Under ObamaCare, those decisions will be made, not by families, but by bureaucrats at the 159 new agencies and boards in Washington that will control our health care system. Already a government agency has recommended restricting access to mammograms as bureaucrats, showing increased government control over medical decisions that should be made by doctors and patients.
- Waiting times to see doctors: We need at least 160,000 more physicians just to meet the demands of a growing and aging population. A recent survey said that as many as 46% of doctors are planning to leave medical practice when ObamaCare kicks in. The doctor shortage will be huge and women and their families will find it harder and harder to find a doctor to see them. Waiting times will grow, as they have in Massachusetts, where an early version of ObamaCare is in effect; some patients there wait up to 100 days to get an appointment with a primary care doctor.
✔ A BETTER IDEA: Women would be better served by having the choice of policies that offer the benefits they want and need. Cross-state purchasing of health insurance would give them more choices of more affordable insurance. Defined contributions for health insurance would allow both spouses to combine funds to buy the plan of their choice that would be portable and they would own. And targeted refundable tax credits would provide extra help with premiums for those with modest incomes.