The authors of Why ObamaCare Is Wrong for America have been working together for years to offer a better prescription for health reform — one that puts doctors and patients in control of health care decisions. They have spoken across the country, done thousands of radio and television interviews, and written hundreds and hundreds of commentaries, blog posts, and papers explaining the legislation and its impact on America. All are known as top experts on health reform — and on ObamaCare in particular — and are uniquely able to tell the story of why ObamaCare is so unpopular and what we need to do instead.
The health overhaul law grants the federal government dramatic and unprecedented power: the ability to reach into our lives — into our pocketbooks and our doctors’ offices — and to change the way we make health care decisions. Congress promised that the law would lower health costs, improve the quality of care, and help reduce the deficit; all of these promises are being broken. We are already seeing the destructive consequences of this reckless legislation. Insurance costs are soaring, policy options are being restricted, and millions of Americans are losing the coverage they once had. Beyond the devastating effects specifically on health care, the law will cause a staggering increase in the national deficit, will limit the creation of new jobs by discouraging companies from hiring, and will cripple innovation and research and encourage companies to spend their money elsewhere.
Learn more at the Why ObamaCare Is Wrong for America website and order your copy today!