IN THIS ISSUE: ? Your Big Chance to Become an Old FOGI ? Swimming in a Sea of Economists ? More Hobnobbing with Economists ? John Hood - GOP Needs to Focus on Health ? Ronald Bailey - Brave Policy Makers Needed ? RAND Corporation - State Reforms of Little Consequence Your Big Chance to Become an Old FOGI If you haven't already, please consider becoming a "Friend of the Galen … [Read more...] about Swimming in a Sea of Economists
Statement by the Galen Institute on Health Savings Accounts
Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Thomas (R-CA) should be congratulated for introducing legislation allowing the creation of "Health Savings Accounts." Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are unified health accounts that would combine the best aspects of Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs), Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs), and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) to create one tax-advantaged … [Read more...] about Statement by the Galen Institute on Health Savings Accounts
The Commonwealth Fund Critiques State Coverage Demonstration Projects
The Commonwealth Fund and Alliance for Health Reform co-hosted a roundtable discussion yesterday about the Institute of Medicine?s recommendations published last year regarding state coverage expansions. The IOM recommended that competing proposals to expand health insurance coverage be tested in state demonstration projects. The diverse group of policy experts in attendance disagreed on whether … [Read more...] about The Commonwealth Fund Critiques State Coverage Demonstration Projects
Medicare Steamroller
In a few short days, the promise of a Medicare drug benefit has been transformed from a political football into a steamroller. With both Democrats and Republicans now in agreement, passage of legislation in both the House and Senate now appears likely before July 4. The Senate Finance Committee is meeting today to consider the Medicare prescription drug plan that Republican Chairman Chuck … [Read more...] about Medicare Steamroller
Medicare Steamroller
In a few short days, the promise of a Medicare drug benefit has been transformed from a political football into a steamroller. With both Democrats and Republicans now in agreement, passage of legislation in both the House and Senate now appears likely before July 4. The Senate Finance Committee is meeting today to consider the Medicare prescription drug plan that Republican Chairman Chuck … [Read more...] about Medicare Steamroller
Thomas Proposes Expanding MSAs, Combining Them with FSAs
IN THIS ISSUE: ? Medicare Reform Heating Up ? Thomas Proposes Expanding MSAs, Combining Them with FSAs ? Connecticut to Get MSAs - Finally ? Unions Resist MSAs in Wisconsin ? Daily Oklahoman Says Expand MSAs, Roll-Back Regulations ? MSAs Better Than Universal Health Care in Maryland ? Nevada Medicaid Would Benefit From MSAs ? President Should Use "Bully Pulpit" to Expand MSAs … [Read more...] about Thomas Proposes Expanding MSAs, Combining Them with FSAs
Thomas Proposes Expanding MSAs, Combining Them with FSAs
IN THIS ISSUE: ? Medicare Reform Heating Up ? Thomas Proposes Expanding MSAs, Combining Them with FSAs ? Connecticut to Get MSAs - Finally ? Unions Resist MSAs in Wisconsin ? Daily Oklahoman Says Expand MSAs, Roll-Back Regulations ? MSAs Better Than Universal Health Care in Maryland ? Nevada Medicaid Would Benefit From MSAs ? President Should Use "Bully Pulpit" to Expand MSAs … [Read more...] about Thomas Proposes Expanding MSAs, Combining Them with FSAs
Taking a Stand
The Health Policy Consensus Group on Monday released its important new statement on Medicare and Prescription Drugs to an overflow, standing-room-only crowd on Capitol Hill. We were impressed not only with how may people joined us but also the heavy-hitters who attended the briefing, including nearly half of the signatories of the Consensus Group statement. It's never easy to get 26 very smart … [Read more...] about Taking a Stand