We saw it coming…
One of the more predictable failures of ObamaCare was the scheme to give billions of dollars in taxpayer money to citizens with no experience in running a health insurance company…to set up a health insurance company. Tom Miller of the American Enterprise Institute and I anticipated the string of failures we are now seeing in these ObamaCare co-ops, forcing more than 500,000 people to lose their health insurance – again – and find other coverage.
The Iowa Insurance Division had this helpful advice for those who were tossed out of that state’s co-op coverage: “Your coverage with CoOportunity Health will stop, and claims will not be paid after cancellation. If you do not purchase replacement insurance, you may be penalized by the federal government.” We have done three briefings on the co-op fiasco, one at AEI and two on Capitol Hill.
Please join us at www.ObamaCareWatch.org to keep current on all of the important developments with the law.
Change is essential and inevitable, and we are ready! We continue to follow this story and are working hard on proposals to move us toward a patient-centered health sector. Stay tuned for our major new essay to be published this month mapping the path forward. A thank you for your support for our work, which makes all of this possible.
The Hill published our commentary, Clinton Drug Plan Would Backfire on Patients, on Sept. 30.
We updated our list of significant changes to ObamaCare on Oct. 8, 56 Changes to ObamaCare…So Far, to include an HHS rule regarding out-of-pocket costs and the passage of the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees (PACE) Act.
On Oct. 29, we published a New Legal Challenge to ObamaCare to our website.
We also produce a weekly round-up of the top articles on our ObamaCareWatch website, updated daily to reflect the latest news and commentary written about the health care law. You can sign up here to receive our ObamaCareWatch newsletter.
Forbes published our columns:
- First Biosimilar Medicine Launches; Price Disappoints Those Hoping For Deeper Discount, Sept. 15
- A Bad-Actor, Not A Pharmaceutical Innovator, Causes Outrage Over Drug Prices, Sept. 24
- CMS Rule Undermines Real Cost Savings For Consumers & Could Cripple Fledgling U.S. Biosimilar Market, Oct. 8
- 56 Changes To Obamacare So Far, With Two New Additions, Oct. 9
- 400,000 Citizens To Lose Health Insurance (Again) Because Of Obamacare Co-Op Failures, Oct. 10
Galen in the News
Fox & Friends invited Grace-Marie to discuss prescription drug pricing on September 23.
Al Jazeera invited Grace-Marie to speak about ObamaCare enrollment numbers and the failing ObamaCare co-ops on the “Inside Story” with Ray Suarez, Oct. 13.
Grace-Marie provided commentary with radio interviews on:
- Docs4PatientCare Radio Program with Dr. Hal Sherz, Oct. 8
- 1120 KPNW News Radio in Eugene, Oregon with Bill Lunden, Oct. 21
- The Small Business Advocate Show with Jim Blasingame (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), Oct. 27
The Galen Institute was cited in numerous blogs and publications throughout the country in September and October, including:
- The Nonprofit Times, S. Supreme Court Petitioned On Donor Privacy, Sept. 1.
- Highland Community News, 58 Organizations: California AG Kamala Harris’s Illegal, Extortionate Privacy Violations Designed to Silence Critics of Politicians, Sept. 2.
- Family Research Council, Social Conservative Review: An Insider’s Guide to Pro-Family News September 18, 2015, Sept. 18.
- The PEW Charitable Trusts, Can Health Insurance Co-ops Survive?, Sept. 21.
- RedState, Defeat the Slavitt Nomination, Sept. 21.
- NC Political News, Opinion: Hillary Clinton Wrong on Prescription Drug Price Controls, Sept. 25.
- The Daily Caller, Feds Admit More Obamacare Co-Op Flops Ahead, Sept. 28.
- The Daily Caller, Exclusive: Obamacare’s Failed New York Co-Op Drew Most Consumer Complaints, Sept. 30.
- Family Research Council, Social Conservative Review: An Insider’s Guide to Pro-Family News October 1, 2015, Oct. 1.
- Norfolk Daily News, Obamacare: Two Years Too Long, Oct. 2.
- USA Today, Obama Signs 14th Bill Making Changes to Obamacare, Oct. 8.
- BenefitsPro, Republicans and Democrats Work Together on PPACA—Often, Oct. 9.
- The Daily Caller, Boehner: Obama Has Signed 10 House Bills ‘Dismantling’ Parts of Obamacare, Oct. 9.
- State of Reform, Obama Signs Pace Bill—Small Group Health Plans Revisiting 2016 Rates, Oct. 9.
- Investor’s Business Daily, Obama Just Signed His 10th Bill Repealing (Parts Of) ObamaCare, Oct. 9.
- Pharmaceutical Online, The Generic And Biosimilar Markets: Are They Really That Different?, Oct. 19.
- Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Who Wants to Replace a Disaster?, Oct. 29.
- Grace-Marie was the speaker at a luncheon hosted by the Farragut Square Group on Oct. 21 where she discussed health insurance mergers and consolidation, pharmaceutical drug pricing, and the 2016 presidential election.
- On Oct. 22, Grace-Marie spoke on a panel at the American Enterprise Institute entitled “Pop Go the Co-ops? How will new ObamaCare plans play the next round of ‘Survivor’”
- She also was a panelist at a briefing for Senate Finance Committee and Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee staffers where she discussed the failing ObamaCare co-ops.
The Galen Institute both facilitated and attended meetings in September and October with reporters, legislators, and other think tanks, including:
- On Sept. 9 and Oct. 7, the Galen staff attended the Repeal Coalition meetings on Capitol Hill.
- On Sept. 15, Grace-Marie participated in the post-August ObamaCare Exchange conference call.
- The Galen staff facilitated the State Leaders Calls on Sept. 16 and Oct. 30, discussing the aftermath of King v. Burwell and what states can do to remove barriers to innovation in health care.
- On Sept. 17, Grace-Marie joined the Catholic Medical Association Policy Committee’s conference call.
- She met with Senate leadership staff on Sept. 18 to discuss how risk corridor payments affect the ObamaCare co-ops.
- Spoke with Stephanie Armour of the Wall Street Journal on Sept. 21 about the Planned Parenthood controversy, ObamaCare in the 2016 presidential debates, and the candidates’ health plans.
- She attended meetings with the Catholic Medical Association and members of Congress on Capitol Hill on Sept. 29.
- On Sept. 28, spoke with Richard Pollock of The Daily Caller about the failure of the ObamaCare co-op in New York.
- Participated in the Americans for Tax Reform conference call with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Oct. 6.
- She spoke with Nancy Cook of Politico about Gov. Jeb Bush’s health care policy plan on Oct. 6.
- Spoke with Will Scarf, the health policy director for Missouri candidate for Governor Catherine Hanaway on Oct. 7.
- Met with Jacquelyn White and the United Healthcare Medicare & Retirement Executives on Oct. 9.
- Spoke with Felicia Horton of Docs4PatientCare on Oct. 9.
- Grace-Marie spoke with Steve Forbes about price transparency services for health care on Oct. 19.
- On Oct. 19, she discussed a new ObamaCare lawsuit, Sissel v. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, with Kate Pomeroy and Todd Graziano of the Pacific legal Foundation.
- Spoke with House committee staff on Oct. 26 about the co-op fiasco.
- Facilitated the Consensus Group meeting at PhRMA on Oct. 26 with top health policy experts to discuss innovative ideas for health reform.
The Galen team attended a number of events during the months of September and October:
- Grace-Marie attended a book signing for Haley Barbour’s new book, America’s Great Storm on Sept. 16.
- She attended a book forum on Sept. 17 for New York State Judge Diane Kiesel’s book, She Can Bring Us Home: Dr. Dorothy Boulding Ferebee, Civil Rights Pioneer.
- Attended the Providence Hospital dedication for the Pope Francis Emergency Care Center in Washington, DC on Sept. 18.
- On Sept. 25, she attended the Federalist Society luncheon featuring speaker Whit Ayres of North Star Opinion Research.
- Grace-Marie attended the State Policy Network’s annual conference in Grand Rapids from Sept. 29-Oct. 2.
- Attended the Right on Crime dinner with Ken Cuccinelli Sept. 29 in Grand Rapids.
- On Oct. 13, attended the Lilly Advocacy Dialogues on Discovery briefing on PDUFA IV.
- Attended the Club for Growth conference from Oct. 14-16.
- The Galen team attended the Pacific Legal Foundation’s press conference urging the Supreme Court to consider a new constitutional challenge to the ACA on Oct. 26.
- On Oct. 26, Grace-Marie attended a dinner at the Cato Institute honoring the late John Blundell and supporting the John Blundell Studentships.
- Attended the Mercatus Center’s Annual Dinner on Oct. 27.
- On Oct. 28, attended the Steamboat Institute’s Tony Blankley reception and dinner.
- The Galen team attended the Heritage Foundation’s panel, “Beyond Planned Parenthood: Alternatives for Women” on Oct. 29.