While the Obama administration is doing a dance in the end zone over ObamaCare enrollment, boasting of “making their numbers,” the American people know the truth. We have been doing radio, TV, and speeches non-stop in March. What is clear from all of these conversations is that people know the damage the law is doing to their own health coverage, to the costs of their insurance, and to the businesses struggling to juggle health costs against coverage decisions. Read on for highlights of our activities this month on the truth about ObamaCare and getting health reform right for America.
The New York Times published our commentary:
Investor’s Business Daily published our article:
Forbes.com published our columns:
- “Conservatives Unite Around Health Reform Ideas”
- “Democrats’ Dreadful ObamaCare Choices”
- “Court will decide if ACA Language Bars Health Subsidies in 34 States”
National Review Online published our post:
In addition, we posted an updated commentary to the Galen Blog:
And we filed an Amicus brief in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in the case, David King, et al., v. Kathleen Sebelius, et al. This is the case challenging the legality of providing tax subsidies for health insurance through exchanges established by the federal government.
Galen in the News
Galen was extremely active on TV and radio during the month of March as the deadline for signing up for ObamaCare came…and went. Grace-Marie provided commentary with TV interviews on:
- CNBC “The Kudlow Report” with Larry Kudlow: “Another ObamaCare delay from the White House”
- Fox Business with Lou Dobbs Tonight: “The damaging changes ObamaCare is making to health care,” and “Majority of ObamaCare enrollees previously insured?”
- Fox Business with Varney & Co: “Is ObamaCare working the way it should?” and “Is the affordable care act really affordable?”
- Newsmax TV with Steve Malzberg, “United States is in decline,” “Release of 68,000 illegals is itself illegal,” and numerous other issues.
- Arise Xchange with Andrew Schmertz on Arise TV Network: “Battle of the budget” and “Turbulence for the Affordable Care Act”
The Galen Institute was also on radio interviews around the country, including multiple interviews on:
- Radio America with Greg Corumbus of Dateline Washington
- The Small Business Advocate with Jim Blasingame
- The Drew Mariani Show on Relevant Radio
- The David Bose Show, KTTH in Seattle
- The John Carlson Show “Steel on Steel”
In other news:
Employee Benefit News reported on Galen’s recent “Fresh ideas and a new vision for health reform” conference, in “Republicans troubled over ACA’s impact on employee welfare” by Gillian Roberts. And we were quoted in a number of other major national publications.
Speeches, Meetings and Events
- Grace-Marie was the keynote speaker for the Women of Washington’s conference in Seattle, Washington, on “Health Care Reform and the Free Market.” Grace-Marie also met with officials of the Washington Policy Center while she was in Seattle about health policy initiatives.
- Grace-Marie was the keynote speaker for an event in Palm Desert, California, hosted by the Washington Policy Center. She addressed the topics of repealing the ACA and reforming the health care system with a look at the serious health reform proposals being offered by members of the House and Senate.
- Grace-Marie met with officials from the Safety Net Hospitals for Pharmaceutical Access (SNHPA) to review the federal government’s 340B drug pricing plan. Grace-Marie had written an article on the topic for National Review Online.
- Grace-Marie participated in a town hall format discussion with the Liberty Group Eastern Hills Community Action in Hamilton County, Ohio, about the effects of ObamaCare on small business throughout the country.
- We facilitated our monthly State Leaders call, which is jointly hosted by Galen Institute, the Institute for Policy Innovation, and the State Policy Network. We discussed, “Does Medicaid expansion really help employers?” Galen partnered with the Foundation for Government Accountability to discuss the impact of Medicaid expansion on small business. Discussion featured Robert Graboyes, senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, and Jonathan Ingram, director of research at the Foundation for Government Accountability.
- Galen Institute helped organize our monthly Health Care 101 Policy Series for Capitol Hill staffers, “Challenging ObamaCare in the Courts.” It is jointly sponsored by the Galen Institute, The Heritage Foundation, and the American Enterprise Institute. The discussion featured Thomas P. Miller, resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and Matt Bowman, senior legal counsel with Alliance for Defending Freedom, discussing court cases challenging the implementation of the Affordable Care Act that are making their way through the courts and which could have serious consequences for the future of the health overhaul law.
- Attended the United States Supreme Court oral arguments in the Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. v. Kathleen Sebelius. And rallied outside the U.S. Supreme Court (in a snowstorm) during oral arguments on the religious liberty case brought by Hobby Lobby and others.
- Galen was represented at the Jack Kemp Foundation’s forum on true growth featuring keynote speaker Senator Marc Rubio, at a meeting with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal regarding his new health reform plan, at meetings of the Repeal Coalition, and at numerous other policy discussions.
- We continued to meet with Members of Congress and staff on ideas for health policy initiatives, and we participated in numerous meetings and conference calls about ObamaCare.