Yes, our nation’s political system desperately needs a reset, but the same is true of the health reform debate.
We constantly work to expose the massive costs and adverse consequences of the left’s government-dominated health care agenda. But to change policy, we need Big Ideas to first transform the debate.
My colleagues in the Health Policy Consensus Group and I accepted the challenge and are offering bold new ideas and a set of policy prescriptions to restore a vibrant health care system that puts doctors and patients first.
The future of health care in America depends on an innovative health sector that fosters scientific progress, lowers costs through competition, and leads to a better quality of life through better technologies. We can never price control our way out of problems largely created by too much government interference in the health sector.
We are on the cusp of a scientific renaissance in the care of health, but today’s government policies are trying to smother it. We must offer a new vision.
We have held months of meetings and discussions with our bright and experienced colleagues to articulate this new vision and hammer out the policy ideas to make it happen.
In the era of X, however, we know another white paper would just sit on the shelf unread. So we created a series of “pocket cards” that offer talking points and quick facts on:

- drug prices and why we can’t just import the prices that French citizens pay
- the need for a payment system that matches 21st century innovation
- the importance of reforming CBO’s scoring process to consider the long-term value of medicines that can produce actual cures
- the threat and risk of losing our research-based pharmaceutical industry to foreign adversaries
- the life-saving importance of a vibrant research-based ecosystem
- and much more
Each card addresses a specific topic and is designed to be free standing.
The consistent theme: Today’s programs and payment policies are not supporting and can even stifle the innovation that’s vital to advancing the miracles 21st century medicine can produce. Innovation is the answer.
All of the cards are available electronically on the Galen website in a dedicated section called “An American Renaissance in the Care of Health.” It has a version where you can print out each card as a one-page fact sheet. You will also find a list of all of the experts who participated in the conversations that led to these big and transformative ideas.
Quick look:
- Table of Contents
- Top Line Summary
- 12 Pocket Cards on Key Topics
- Action Items and Policy Recommendations
This product reflects many years of research and experience by our smart colleagues in the free-market health policy community. It’s well past time to reset the debate to focus on freedom, competition, and innovation.
We are holding a series of meetings and briefings on Capitol Hill and elsewhere to provide this new resource to members and staff, to candidates, and to anyone with a voice in the health policy debate. We must offer a new vision and the narrative to tell the story before we can change policy.
The key to success is having a government that supports private-sector initiative rather than continuing to undermine it, as the Europeans already have done and with the U.S. marching toward the same cliff. The Europeans have decimated their research-based pharmaceutical industry through price controls that significantly undervalue the years of research, investment, and scientific expertise needed to bring new drugs and devices to market. We must not follow.
Our side is hungry for new ideas. That is the business we are in, and I believe we have delivered big time with these Big Ideas to create a new and positive conversation about health care. Join us in spreading the word!