The Hippocratic Oath Taken by All Doctors: "First, do no harm"
Politicians, policymakers and public officials should take the same oath: DO NO HARM TO AMERICA'S HEALTH CARE SYSTEM.
Many of the proposals and ideas will make America's health care system worse, not better!
Our freedom to make basic decisions about life, liberty, and health care is at stake.
Tell the politicians in Washington to adopt the following principles for judging any health reform proposal, policy, or legislation:
- No new government-run health insurance plan
- No one-size government-dictated package of health benefits
- No new jobs-killing mandates on employers
- No requirement on individuals to buy expensive coverage
- No federal institution that controls private health insurance
- No government intrusion into our medical privacy
- No federal government control over the practice of medicine through a federal health board, comparative effectiveness review, and other government intrusions into doctor-patient medical decision-making
Please sign this petition to let elected officials know you believe that any proposal that includes any of the Do No Harm guidelines should be rejected.
Tell them you don't want centralized Washington control over our health sector but that you want a system that puts patients first.