Focus on Resources:
Galen's Consumer Driven Health Care Directory
Independence Institute
Medical Tuesday
Americans for Free Choice in Medicine
Citizens' Council on Health Care
National Association of Manufacturers
EBIA Weekly
National Center for Policy Analysis
State Policy Network
American Association of Health Plans
American Enterprise Institute
The Heritage Foundation
Galen's Consumer Driven Health Care Directory
Let's devote this issue to resources you can access from your desk. Last week we told you about Galen's new directory of consumer driven health suppliers. We've gotten terrific feedback on that and are adding additional information as it becomes available. Please don't be shy about notifying us of any corrections or omissions. We know it isn't perfect and we are eager to improve it as we go along. Send comments to me at
Consumer Choice Matters will take a vacation next week.
You may want to check out This is a cooperative venture of several organizations to rebut misinformation and "bring attention to the hypocrisy of those that advocate single-payer health care systems," according to the web site. It currently cites reports from Physicians for a National Health Plan, the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, and Families USA, and provides links to articles and commentary on each. This will be an important resource as we enter the wacky period of pre-election posturing and hysteria.
Independence Institute
Colorado's Independence Institute issues a monthly newsletter from its Health Care Policy Center, headed by Linda Gorman. The publication focuses on Colorado, but also deals with national issues. Subscriptions are free.
Medical Tuesday
Del Meyer, MD, puts out a fortnightly publication called "Medical Tuesday." It is a huge body of work that summarizes recent publications of other organizations, but also has original commentary on single-payer systems, Medicare reform, physician autonomy and a whole lot more. You may subscribe by sending an e-mail to the address below.
Americans for Free Choice in Medicine
Scott Hollaran edits "The Pulse" on behalf of California-based Americans for Free Choice in Medicine. This pub includes sections on physician practices, MSAs, insurance regulation, hospitals, the drug industry, and others. Each week he also includes a "winners and losers" section that is pretty entertaining. The publication is aimed at members of AFCM, but you can find out how to get it at their web site.
Citizens' Council on Health Care
Minnesota's Citizens' Council on Health Care, headed by Twila Brase, issues frequent news releases and action alerts, especially on issues such as privacy and patient safety. It also covers reform issues in Minnesota.
National Association of Manufacturers
One of the most entertaining and informative newsletters is by Neil Trautwein of the National Association of Manufacturers. He closely follows what is happening in Washington, especially from a benefits perspective and covers issues such as mental health parity, FSAs, HRAs, MSAs, Medicare reform and so on. He also tracks personnel changes on the Hill and issues alerts on pending legislation. He'll probably put you on his distribution if you ask nicely.
EBIA Weekly
This one is real dry, but the Employee Benefits Institute of America (EBIA) puts out a weekly newsletter that is must reading if you want to stay on top of new case law and regulations regarding ERISA, COBRA, HIPAA, cafeteria plans, and all the other benefits issues. The analysis is clear and well written, and completely objective. Go to the site below to subscribe or check out the archives.
National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA)
No list of resources would be complete without mentioning the granddaddy of them all – NCPA's Daily Policy Digest. Almost every issue includes a few health related stories, though the topics are very wide. It is always well-written, summarizing current studies and news reports, with a focus on economics news.
State Policy Network (SPN)
It is not solely health care, but a wonderful resource is the State Policy Network, headed by Tracie Sharp, which is a clearinghouse for free-market think tanks all over the United States. Forty-two states now have active organizations and some states have more than one. They try to stay focused on state issues, but in health care that includes a lot – MSAs, Medicaid reform, insurance regulation, health planning and CON, state employee benefits, etc. SPN organizes workshops and conferences that bring the local groups together to exchange information and strategies.
American Association of Health Plans (AAHP)
The American Association of Health Plans issues a daily newsletter that has more information than you will ever read. A lot of it is company news, medical information, and AAHP information. It also includes policy issues. You can see a sample of a recent issue by going to the address below.
American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
AEI offers two free e-mail newsletters about its own work. "AEI in an Instant" is a biweekly e-mail publication with news of recent and upcoming events, publications, and other activities at AEI. There is also a daily version of that publication, "AEI Today."
SOURCE: Send an e-mail requesting a subscription to:
The Heritage Foundation
Heritage's Center for Health Policy Studies issues frequent email updates on topics such as the uninsured, Medicare, Medicaid, and state initiatives.
Please send all comments/questions directly to me at
"Consumer Choice Matters" is a free weekly newsletter published by the Galen Institute, a not-for-profit public policy organization specializing in research and education on health policy. Visit our website at for more information.
If you wish to subscribe/unsubscribe or update your address, please send an e-mail to