Transformative Change:
Market-Driven Health Care
Sponsored by
U. S. Chamber of Commerce
American Medical Association
National Center for Policy Analysis
Galen Institute
Monday, June 4
8:00 am — 8:30 am — Continental Breakfast
8:30 am — 9:30 am
A New Paradigm for Employers – Exploring new thinking in the employer community about managing health benefits, controlling costs, and ensuring quality and employee satisfaction. Examining policy initiatives that will facilitate that change.
- Ken Berkowitz (Manager, Pricewaterhouse Coopers)
- Thomas Jackson (Senior Fellow, Institute for SocioEconomic Studies)
- Kate Sullivan (Director, Health Care Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce) Moderator
9:30 am — 10:30 am
Promises in the Pipeline – The impact of the information revolution on creative financing and delivery of health care. A glimpse of the possibilities as health care research evolves to create the next generation of medical miracles.
- Howard Wizig (Chairman, Vivius)
- Sandy Lutz (Healthcare Research Director, Pricewaterhouse Coopers)
- Karen Williams (President, National Pharmaceutical Council)
- Daniel H. Johnson, Jr., M.D., (Former President of the American Medical Association and Senior Fellow at the Heritage Foundation) Moderator
10:30 am — 10: 45 am — Coffee Break
10:45 am — 12:00 pm
The Dynamics of a Consumer-Oriented Health System– Opportunities, promises and challenges. We will explore how the market can deal with adverse selection, pooling, risk-based rating, etc.; how risk pools can be structured to maximize choice and efficiency; and how the market would change with a flood of new purchasers.
- Walton Francis (President, Public Policy Network)
- Dave Ogden (Consulting Actuary, Milliman and Robertson)
- Ken Linde (President and CEO, Destiny Health)
- John Hoff (Health care attorney and Galen Institute trustee)
- Greg Scandlen (Senior Fellow, National Center for Policy Analysis) Moderator
12:15 pm — 1:30 pm — Lunch
What happens if we stay on the current path?
Tom Scully, HCFA Administrator-designate as possible speaker. [Invited]
1:45 pm – 3:00 pm
Tax Policy and the 107th Congress – The prospects for tax credits for the uninsured, deductibility of individual health insurance premiums, MSA expansion, rollover of Flexible Spending Accounts, etc.
- Sally Canfield (Counselor to the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services)
- Dean Rosen (Staff Director, Senate HELP Committee)
- Diane Rowland (Executive Vice President, Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation)
- Jack Strayer (Vice President, External Affairs, National Center for Policy Analysis) Moderator
3:00 pm — 4:15 pm
20/20 in 2020: A vision for a consumer-driven health system. Where does transformative change take us? Moving beyond the year-to-year political and budget debate to explore how market-based policy changes could change the health sector.
- Jesse Hixson (Principal Economist, American Medical Association)
- Stuart Butler (Vice President, The Heritage Foundation)
- Jeff Lemieux (Senior Fellow, Progressive Policy Institute)
- Gary Ahlquist (Vice President, Booz-Allen & Hamilton)
- Grace-Marie Turner (President, Galen Institute) Moderator